IT News

IT News & Updates June 22

News Good news: Nick Pappin and Michael Stoddard are scheduled to come out here the week of July 9th to work on various IT projects. These projects should include: Getting the network reconfiguration closer to being fully integrated with the larger WSU Network (might be able to complete). Note: there will be some network disruptions. […]

IT News & Updates – June 1

I just wanted to catch you up on some of the stuff going on with WSU IT updates and fixes, as well as inform you about some recent phishing attempts. New email phishing – These are getting a bit more sophisticated. This week I and several people here at the Center have received the following […]

IT News & Updates 4/19/18

This will be the last IT News & Updates blog post until June. I will be out on leave until then. Here’s what to do about IT/AMS issues during that time: WIFI issues in the back hallway – The most common cause of dropped wifi signal in the back hallway is the device itself. Sometimes it […]

IT News & Updates 3/29/18

Last week I was tied up with the Postharvest Fruit School and missed posting last Thursday. Luckily, there weren’t any major issues here in IT to deal with. And the trend seems to be holding since not much has happened this week either. The most notable issue is that there still seems to be something […]

Phishing, spoofing, and spam, oh my!

Due to increased hacking attempts aimed at the WSU’s fiscal system, an advisor was sent out to personnel that works with electronic payments. That said, this is good information everyone. Here’s an excerpt from the advisory email: In light of recent increased attempts, attached please find an example of a common theft tactic in which […]

IT News & Updates 3/15/18

Since I won’t be at tomorrow’s the monthly faculty meeting, I thought I’d dedicate my IT Blog to the related agenda items. Internet connection upgrade: As mentioned in the past, we began upgrading our system back in December when Nick Pappin, CAHNRS IT, came and installed new equipment designed to handle all of incoming and outgoing […]

IT News & Updates 3/8/18

Last Friday (3/2) afternoon the Entomology building experienced a lengthy period of power fluctuations – lights flickering, power backups (UPS*) triggered, and heating system disrupted. The cause may be due to a failing power backup supply unit on the network hub located on the second floor. When the unit was unplugged the fluctuation eventually stopped. […]

IT News & Updates 3/1/18

Update on TFREC networking projects Last week I listed out the various ongoing projects related to our Center’s network systems. Since that report, CAHNRS IT has set up a Freedcamp account. This is an online project planning and task tracking App. They have broken up and categorized all the tasked related to the overall project and assigned […]

myWSU Update on Current Status

(reposted from sysmgrs email list) What is the issue? The Enterprise Systems team has been working with Oracle to identify and resolve the access issues our end users have been experiencing within myWSU. We have had multiple security patches installed over the past few weeks and those patches have introduced access issues or changed the behavior […]

IT News & Updates 2/22/18

After last week, this week has been fairly calm in terms of IT issues. Which means, no troubleshooting to report. Instead, I’ll give a brief report on the status of a variety of pending items followed by what’s happening on campus. There are a variety of projects involving IT here at the center that have […]