WSU-TFREC is committed to protecting human health, safety, and the environment. The Primary purpose of the TFREC safety program is to reduce the chance of injury or illness of employees and visitors through the communication of safety information and through the reduction of safety hazards. Employees are expected to use good judgment when doing their work and to follow safety policies and procedures established by WSU ad TFREC.
TFREC Safety Training
Orientation training is mandatory for all new employees, including volunteers, transfers, rehires, temporary, and part-time employees, and those assigned new job responsibilities. If you have not already completed that training, please go to the New Employee Orientation page under Employee Training in the left navigation menu.
Depending on your job responsibilities, you may also be required to include additional field worker safety training. If your supervisor wants you to take that training after you have completed the orientation training, visit the Safety Training Videos index page to continue your training.
Safety Training Available Through SkillSoft
The Environmental Health and Safety training webpage helps direct users to their training. Employees must be at WSU for at least two weeks before you can access the EHS training materials (for now at least). Laboratory personnel should take the following training modules from the higher education package:
- Analyzing Chemical Hazards
- Analyzing Physical Hazards
- Developing and Using Controls
- Working Safely
- Risk Assessment
- PPE – Eye and Face Protection
- PPE – Hand Protection
If anyone works with biological or radiological hazards, they should take those modules as well. The advantage of taking training via Skillsoft is that it is tracked so there will be a record of completed training.