News & Announcements

Outlook mail issues

As a result of “backend” changes to prepare for the switcher-over to using MFA with Office 365 Outlook mail, many people are experiencing problems with Outlook. In some cases, users are having to log in to their accounts several times during a session. Others have the application freeze when accessing or downloading attachments requiring them […]

New Sprayer Assistant

Please welcome Gerardo Garcia who will be a timeslip in Louie’s program as a sprayer.  Please get a hold of Louie Nottingham if you have some spray needs.

Tips for Zoom Meetings – Preventing “Zoombombing”

UPDATED  Since pretty much everything has gone to Zoom, I thought I’d share a great resource for setting up and running a Zoom meeting. Although the page I’m suggesting is aimed at setting up a student defense session, the tips are applicable to many situations. Heres the link: There have been reports of people […]