News & Announcements

Missing emails?

Not getting or can’t find certain emails? Maybe you are getting them, but Outlook is ‘hiding’ them from you. I’ve found the most likely hiding place for email is in the “Other” inbox. The default setting for Outlook uses “focused” mode. This puts items from places like mailing lists in a separate “Other” inbox to […]

Welcome Victor Blanco

Victor Blanco will be joining Lee Kalcsits’ tree fruit physiology lab as a postdoc. He is an Agricultural Engineering and M.S. in Advanced Techniques for Agricultural Alimentary Research and Development. Victor obtained his Ph.D. in Agronomy, at the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain and he was a visiting student researcher at the University of Amsterdam […]

New Graduate Student

Jonathan Puglisi is joining Achour’s team as a Graduate Student. He is a Master’s student joining the Amiri lab in the Fall 2020 semester. After studying biology at the Pennsylvania State University for his undergraduate degree.  He wanted to learn more about how plants interact with the environment. In the Amiri lab he will be […]

Welcome Prashant Swamy

Welcome to Prashant Swamy who is joining Achour’s lab as a Research Associate. Prashant is a plant biologist with an experience in a variety of disciplines such as plant pathology, next-gen technologies, plant physiology and molecular breeding. He worked in different areas of applied plant pathology in the Pacific Northwest agriculture settings with an emphasis […]