IT News

IT News & Updates 2/16/18

The week started off a bit rough with a very short power outage Monday morning. For many, it was bearly noticeable, but it had some repercussions. The worst effects were that the AMS systems had to be reset along some of the wireless routers. But I think everything went smoothly after that. Here’s what else occurred […]

IT News & Updates – 2/10/18

It’s been another fairly uneventful week for IT here at the Center. There were only a couple of items of note involving the video conferencing system. The first was an issue with Monday’s Entomology Colloquium which was transmitted from the Stockwell room. Pullman saw only a black screen at the start, but eventually got full […]

IT News & Updates 2/1/18

First, I’d like to say Congratulations and Farewell to Kelsey as she leaves us for new adventures at WSU Spokane. Amongst her many duties here at the Center, she took on managing the room scheduling and AMS troubleshooting. I’m sure everyone will miss her, especially the first time someone has to deal with a dropped […]

IT News & Updates 1/25/18

The only thing of note this week was Darla getting our TFREC email lists up and running. You should have received an email from “tfrec-l” this morning with the addresses for all of our new lists. (Note the correction to the faculty-admin list in the follow-up email.) If you know someone who did not get the email, […]

Alert: Schulz Survey Phishing Scam

This morning CAHNRS IT sent out an alert regarding the “Survey from WSU President” email. This is the email I talked about on my Thursday” IT News & Updates” blog. but in just a couple of days, the responsible party has become smarter by dressing up the email to make it look even more “real”. […]

IT News and Updates 1/18/18

There were two big items for this week’s blog: malicious email from Pres. Schulz and lose of the Lyris email list system. On Wednesday I was contacted by a couple of people here who had received a suspicious email from Pres. Schulz’s office about taking a survey. The subject was “ACTION REQUIRED – Essential WSU Employee […]

IT News and Updates 1/12/18

The big excitement this week was getting the video conferencing system in the large conference room back to normal. Campus sent a replacement Director unit” (the box that the front cameras sit on) by overnight. It arrived on Monday and Jerry had it installed by late that afternoon. Tuesday morning we went through the software/firmware […]

IT News and Updates 1/4/18

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. After being away since the Center’s Holiday Party, I have a pile of stuff to get caught up on. Part of that is reading through all the emails regarding the IT updates that occurred while I was away. Campus IT was very busy trying to […]

IT News & Updates 12/15/17

Here’s the big news for the coming week: Nick and Michael will be here Monday and Tuesday to perform installations to our network. To hopefully improve our connectivity, they will be integrating the LocalTel internet line into our existing network. Step one started today with PUD/LocalTel performing a line change involving the phones (not sure […]

IT News & Updates 12/8/17

Fortunately, there are no new issues to report. Some phishing emails are still coming from infected WSU email accounts. But the numbers seem to be dropping. There was one that came through this morning that had a new twist. It stated that “IP Security upgrades discovered an irregular Login attempt” and it even gave an […]