We are happy to welcome Guilherme to the Center

Guilherme Locatelli is a visiting Ph.D. student from Uberlândia, Brazil and graduated as an Agronomist from the Federal University of Roraima – Brazil in September 2013. He is supported by the Brazilian Government – CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel). He earned his Masters Degree in February 2015 at the Federal University of Lavras, Brazil, which focused on propagation by grafting. He started his Ph.D. in March 2015 in Brazil, at the Federal University of Lavras with Dr. Rafael Pio. He works with pear, apple, plum, peach, quince and fig trees. His Ph.D. dissertation is focused on adaptability and phenotypic stability of apple cultivars in a tropical climate and leaf anatomy and the use of water potential in apple tree cultivars to estimate tolerance to water stress. He joined Dr. Kalcsits’ lab in April 2017 and his research focuses on leaf anatomy of apple trees under photoselective netting and responses to water stress.