Welcome Bruno Carra

Welcome to Bruno Carro who is joining Stefano’s lab as a Postdoc.

I am Bruno Carra, I earned my PhD from Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil in 2019 focusing on flower biology and the effect of plant growth regulators on fruit set and return bloom in pears. In 2019 I had a Postdoc position at Cornell University and later that year a researcher position at National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA) in Uruguay working mainly on testing orchard systems, rootstocks and plant growth regulators to better manage crop load and improve fruit quality of apples and pears. I am joining Dr. Stefano Musacchi’s Lab as a Postdoc. My research aims in Dr. Musacchi’s Lab are working on pollinizers, rootstocks, crop load management and green spot.

Bruno Carra
Bruno Carra