Say Hi to Aina

Say Hi to Aina who is joining Tianna’s program.

Dr. Aina Baró Sabé is a biotechnologist, graduated at the University of Barcelona (2016), and specialized in food biotechnology by the University of Girona (2017). She has recently completed her Ph.D. in technology at the University of Girona, working on the mechanisms of action of functional peptides for the control of emerging plant diseases in stone fruit trees. Specifically, she has focused on the study of antimicrobial peptides for the control of Xylella fastidiosa. Her past research also includes the use of functional peptides for the control of quarantine plant pathogens such as Erwinia amylovora and Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, laboratory analysis of field samples infected with Erwinia amylovora and its detection by molecular technics, the analysis of gene expression in plants and the detection of functional peptides by western blot analysis. At the TFREC, she is looking forward to work with Tianna DuPont’s lab to implement integrated and optimized Fire Blight management as well as to collaborate on Extension activities related to X-disease and Little cherry disease of cherry and stone fruit.