IT News & Updates 12/15/17

Here’s the big news for the coming week:

Nick and Michael will be here Monday and Tuesday to perform installations to our network. To hopefully improve our connectivity, they will be integrating the LocalTel internet line into our existing network. Step one started today with PUD/LocalTel performing a line change involving the phones (not sure how that’s connected to the rest of the changes). The next steps involve disconnecting the shop from the independent LocalTel internet line and replacing with a WiFI connection to Overley. At this time, they will also install Meraki equipment to our system. According to Nick, Meraki integrates with our (CAHNRS IT) management interface to provide a deep level of troubleshooting and monitoring very easy. This is the direction they are going with all the REC’s and Extension in general. Additionally, Nick says,” What this means is that with going this direction you get one phone number to call and we should be able to figure out almost any problem. “Finally, with this equipment, we can provide you a unified wireless network not only between buildings in Wenatchee but between campuses in the WSU system.”
I will not be here during the installation, but Jerry will be on-hand to supervise. Also, Nick and Michael will be holding “office hours” on Tuesday from 10-noon in the Stockwell room to help anyone with computer problems. This is a great opportunity to talk to them and figure out how to make your computer and software work the way it should.

FYI – this is the last Blog article for this year. See you in 2018!

Campus IT News & Updates

  • TeamViewer: There was an emergency update to the TeamViewer software. This is the Ap that Campus uses to access your computer when you request help. It allows them. They have you install the software on your computer and it opens and gives a temporary access password allowing the IT technician to “see” into your computer to help diagnose and fix your problem. The update fixes a vulnerability in the software that can allow someone access to your desktop. Campus updated the software on their end. However, if you have the software installed on your computer, you may need to click on the Update link under the Help menu.
  • WordPress server: Over the past week there have been sporadic outages to the WordPress server. ITS and WebComm have been working to troubleshoot the problem.
  • Skype for Business: This week ITS engineers have been performing maintenance on the SfB server to repair issues with the audio. Additional work will be performed at 8 pm Monday, Dec. 18.
  • AIS mainframe: Work was performed to move the AIS services to the cloud. Afterwards, there was a brief outage from 12 – 12:10 pm on Monday. Service was re-established and seems to be functioning normally now. They are monitoring things to make sure everything is OK.
  • Network Policy Server (NPS): ITS will be making changes to the central Network Policy Servers (NPS) that provide Remote Authentication Dial-In User Services (RADIUS) as part of the changes to accommodate the included maintenance announcement below. We will add new policy processing rules to the NPS servers at this time.
    This maintenance will begin Monday, Dec. 18, at 8 PM and should not last more than one hour.  No outage of the RADIUS service is expected as a result of this maintenance.
  • Oracle Managed Cloud Serves: will be performing maintenance activities on our myWSU Campus Solutions production environment. Oracle will install the patch to address the FA Legislative Year-Round Pell update into CS-PRD (PWSUNJ). The work has been scheduled for Saturday, December 16thstarting at 2:00 am and lasting until 7:00 am. Access to myWSU will be available during this maintenance window but end users may experience unexpected results if they log in during the Oracle maintenance. This affects: All myWSU Users, CTM jobs and myWSU related web services; Access to myWSU will be available on December 16, 2017, from 2 am until 7 am but end users who log in to myWSU during the 2-7 am timeframe may experience unexpected results. Access will return to normal when the maintenance is completed at 7 am.