
Welcome Bruno Carra

Welcome to Bruno Carro who is joining Stefano’s lab as a Postdoc. I am Bruno Carra, I earned my PhD from Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil in 2019 focusing on flower biology and the effect of plant growth regulators on fruit set and return bloom in pears. In 2019 I had a Postdoc position at […]

Hi Valentin Leannec-Rialland

I am Valentin Leannec, recent graduate from Bordeaux University, France, where I earned my Ph.D. in Microbiology. During my thesis at the Mycology and Food Safety laboratory of INRAe, I actively contributed to decipher the efficacy and mechanisms of action of tick defensins against the phytopathogenic and toxinogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. I am joining Dr. […]

Welcome Rebecca Schmidt

Becca recently moved from North Carolina back to the Wenatchee Valley and is excited to rejoin the WSU TFREC as a scientific assistant. Becca holds a BS in Molecular Biology from University of Washington and a MS in Plant Pathology from Colorado State University. Her MS thesis research focused on elucidating the role of alternative […]

Welcome MinWoo Baek

Please welcome MinWoo Baek to Carolina’s lab. MinWoo is using Hyperspectral imaging as a tool to understand the effect of sun exposure on skin disorders on pears using metabolic and phenotypic approaches.

Hi India

Hello I am India. I previously interned here at TFREC in the WSU Apple Breeding Program immediately after graduating from WSU in 2019 with a B.S. in fruit and vegetable crop management. In 2021, I ended up becoming a grad student with my thesis focusing on applying the DA meter in WABP Phase 2 accessions […]

Welcome Natasha Hansen

Natasha recently moved from Butte, Montana and is thrilled to join the WSU TFREC as the new Soil Health LTARE Coordinator. She holds a BS in Environmental Science and is in the final stages of obtaining a master’s degree in Ecological Restoration from Montana Technological University. Her thesis research focuses on the relationship between mycorrhizal […]