
Team Leader

Tobin Northfield

Tobin Northfield

Tobin is an Associate Professor and Endowed Chair of Tree Fruit Entomology and Integrated Pest Management at the WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee Washington. He is also part of the WSU Entomology Department. He leads a taskforce on X-disease and Little cherry virus called the “Little cherry Disease Taskforce, that comprises academics in research and Extension, government representatives, and stakeholders. Prior to joining WSU he was a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at James Cook University in Cairns Australia. His publications are available at his Google Scholar profile. Tobin can be contacted at

Research Technicians and Project Managers

Tawnee Melton

Tawnee Melton

Tawnee is a research technician in the laboratory working on a range of projects, such as improving management of little cherry disease, pear psylla, and codling moth. She has extensive experience researching entomology and tree fruit integrated pest management at the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center. Tawnee can be contacted at:


Jones, VP, DR Horton, NJ Mills, TR Unruh, CC Baker, TD Melton, E Milickzy, SA Steffan, PW Shearer, KG Amarasekare. 2016. Evaluating plant volatiles for monitoring natural enemies in apple, pear and walnut orchards. Biological Control, 102: 53-65.

NJ Mills, VP Jones, CC Baker, TD Melton, SA Steffan, TR Unruh, DR Horton, PW Shearer, KG Amarasekare, E Milickzy. 2016. Using plant volatile traps to estimate the diversity of natural enemy communities in orchard ecosystems. Biological Control, 102: 66-76.

Jones, VP, DR Horton, NJ Mills, TR Unruh, E Miliczky, PW Shearer, KG Amarasekare, CC Baker, TD Melton. 2016. Using plant volatile traps to develop phenology models for natural enemies: An example using Chrysopa nigricornis (Burmeister) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Biological Control, 102: 77-84.

Jones, VP, TD Melton, CC Baker. 2011. Optimizing immunomarking systems and development of a new marking system based on wheat. Journal of Insect Science, 11: 87.

Abby Clarke

Abigail Clarke

Abby is a research technician working on a range of projects, mostly focused on X-disease. She completed her MS degree in the department of Entomology at WSU. Her research focused on host use and life history by the leafhoppers that vector X-disease. Prior to starting at WSU she received her BS degree at University of Delaware. Abby can be contacted at


Clarke, AE, KA Catron, C Reyes Corral, AT Marshall, CG Adams, WR Cooper, SJ Harper, LB Nottingham, TD Northfield. 2024. Colladonus spp. (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) vectors of X-disease: Biology and management in western United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 15:13.

Welcome Sauer

Welcome Sauer, sitting in front of a computer and whiteboard with mathematical equations

Welcome has experience as as an executive in the tree fruit fruit industry and as CEO/President of the Washington Apple Commission. He is using economic and epidemiological models to inform best X-disease management practices. He is also collaborating with Karina Gallardo at WSU Economics. Welcome can be contacted at

Postdoctoral Researchers

Dylan Beal

Dylan Beal

Dylan Beal is a postdoctoral researcher working on novel, environmentally sustainable management of spotted wing drosophila in cherries and blueberries, and is co-advised by Betsy Beers and Tobin. He conducted his PhD at UC Berkeley on spittlebugs and Pierce’s Disease, and a MS degree at Universita degli Studi di Torino on Flavescence Dorée phytoplasma and its vector Scaphoideus titanus. Dylan can be contacted at

Publications (See Google Scholar profile for up to date list):

Beal, DJ, AG Adams, ML Cooper, LG Varela, RJ Smith, CR Kron, RPP Almeida and MP Daugherty. 2021. Assessment of nymphal ecology and adult Xylella fastidiosa transmission biology of Aphrophora nr. permutata (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in California vineyards. Environmental Entomology, 50: 1446-1454.

Beal, DJ, M Cooper, MP Daugherty, AH Purcell, RPP Almeida. 2021. Seasonal abundance and infectivity of Philaenus spumarius (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae), a vector of Xylella fastidiosa in California vineyards. Environ Entomol. 50: 467-476.

Zeilinger, AR, CM Wallis, D Beal, A Sicard, MA Walker, RPP Almeida. 2021. Plant defense against a pathogen drives nonlinear transmission dynamics through both vector preference and acquisition. Ecosphere 12, e0237545.

Wallis, CM, AR Zeilinger, A Sicard, DJ Beal, MA Walker, RPP Almeida. 2020. Impact of phenolic compounds on progression of Xylella fastidiosa infections in susceptible and PdR1-locus containing resistant grapevines. PLoS One. 15, e02374545.

Ripamonti, M, M Pegoraro, M Rossi, N Bodino, D Beal, L Panero, C Marzachì, D Bosco. 2020. Prevalence of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma-infected Scaphoideus titanus in different vineyard agroecosystems in Northwestern Italy. Insects. 11:301.

W. Jacob Pitt

Jacob Pitt standing in front of a river

Jacob conducted his PhD at Colorado State University with Punya Nachappa on vectors of potato viruses, using geospatial analysis and electrical circuitry-based methods to quantify vector feeding behavior. He is working better understanding X-disease vector patterns of abundance and the types of feeding behavior that promotes pathogen transmission. Jacob can be contacted at

Publications (See Google Scholar profile for full list):

Pitt W. J., Kairy L., Mora V., Peirce E., Jensen A. S., Bradford B., Groves R., Christensen T., MacRae I. V., & Nachappa P. In Press. Landscapes with higher crop diversity have lower aphid species richness but higher plant virus prevalence. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Pitt, W. J., Cooper, W. R., Pouchnik, D., Headrick, H., & Nachappa, P. (2024). High‐throughput molecular gut content analysis of aphids identifies plants relevant for potato virus Y epidemiology. Insect Science.

MacWilliams, J., Peirce, E., Pitt, W. J., Schreiner, M., Broeckling, C., & Nachappa, P. (2023). Assessing the adaptive role of cannabidiol (CBD) in Cannabis sativa defense against cannabis aphids. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14, 1223894.

Pitt, W. J., Kairy, L., Villa, E., Nalam, V. J., & Nachappa, P. (2022). Virus Infection and Host Plant Suitability Affect Feeding Behaviors of Cannabis Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a Newly Described Vector of Potato Virus Y. Environmental Entomology, 51(2), 322-331.

Nalam, V. J., Han, J., Pitt, W. J., Acharya, S. R., & Nachappa, P. (2021). Location, location, location: Feeding site affects aphid performance by altering access and quality of nutrients. Plos one, 16(2), e0245380

Graduate Students

Cesar Reyes Corral

Cesar Reyes Corral holding plants

Cesar is applying a combination of molecular and ecological techniques to better understand the little cherry disease (X-disease phytoplasma and leafhopper vectors) system to improve management. He earned an MS degree from University of Idaho where he combined molecular techniques and field research to describe the role of non-host plants as reservoirs for zebra chip disease in potatoes. Cesar can be contacted at

Publications (See Google Scholar profile for up to date list):

Serrano, JM, PJ Landolt, CA Reyes Corral, JG Milar. 2022. Sex pheromones and sex attractants of species within the genera Idolus Desbrochers des Loges and Dalopius Eschscholtz (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in the western United States.

Reyes-Corral, CA, WR Cooper, D Horton, E Miliczky, J Riebe, T Waters, M Wildung, AK Karasev. 2021. Association of Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) with perennial weed Physalis longifolia (Solanales: Solanaceae) in the potato growing regions of western Idaho. Environmental Entomology, 50: 1416-1424.

Reyes Corral CA, WR Cooper, AV Karasev, C Delgado-Luna, SR Sanchez-Pena. 2021. “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” infection of commercial tomatillo, Physalis ixocarpa Brot. (Solanales: Solanaceae) in Saltillo, Mexico. Plant Disease, 105: 2560-2566.

Dahan, J, EJ Wenninger, M Thornton, CA Reyes Corral, N Olsen, AV Karasev. 2021. Haplotyping the Potato Psyllid (Hemiptera: Triozidae) and the Associated Pathogenic Bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in Non-crop Alternative Hosts in Southern Idaho. Environmental Entomology, 50: 382-389.

Beck, K, CA Reyes Corral, M Rodriguez-Rodriguez, C May, R Barnett, M Thornton, AA Bates, J W Woodhall, BK Schroeder. 2021. First report of Fusarium proliferatum causing necrotic leaf lesions and bulb rot on storage onion (Allium cepa) in southwestern Idaho. Plant Disease, 105: 494-494.

Reyes Corral, CA, WR Cooper, DR Horton, AV Karasev. 2020. Susceptibility of Physalis longifolia (Solanales: Solanaceae) to Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera Triozidae) and ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum.’ Journal of Economic Entomology. 113: 2595-2603.

Samantha Forbes

Samantha Forbes

Samantha is a PhD student at James Cook University. Her work focuses on pollinator and plant biology in an effort to improve food production in the tropics. She is also advised by Lucas Cernusak at JCU, and her research is funded by Mars Inc. Prior to starting her PhD she conducted her MSc research at JCU, and identified methods of simultaneously improving pollination and predator abundance in cacao farms through better habitat management. Samantha has conducted many media interviews about her research, including on Science Friday. Samantha works for Mars as a Farm System Diversification Manager while she finishes her PhD. Samantha can be contacted at


Forbes, SJ, L Cernusak, TD Northfield, RM Gleadow, A Cheesman. 2020. Elevated temperature and carbon dioxide alter resource allocation to growth, storage and defence in cassava (Manihot esculenta). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 173: 103997.

Forbes, SJ, G Mustiga, A Romero, TD Northfield, S Lambert, JC Motamayor. 2019. Supplemental and synchronized pollination may increase yield in cacao. HortScience, 54: 1718-1727.

Forbes, SJ, TD Northfield 2017. Increased pollinator habitat enhances cacao fruit set and predator conservation. Ecological Applications, 27: 887-899

Forbes, SJ, TD Northfield. 2017. Oecophylla smaragdina ants provide pest control in Australian cocoa. Biotropica, 49: 328-336.

Amy McGuire

Amy McGuire

Amy is conducting her PhD at JCU on the use of entomopathogenic fungi to control fruit flies. She previously conducted her Honours research at JCU on evaluating soil characteristics that promote entomopathogenic fungi in banana farms as part of her efforts to identify a fungal pathogen to control thrips. She also uses theoretical models to evaluate the effects of environmental conditions on diversification of host-parasite communities. Her Honours research was in collaboration with Pacific Eco Bananas, and has been covered in several media outlets, including ABC Australia’s Landline. Amy can be contacted at:


McGuire, AV, W Edwards, TD Northfield. 2023. The infection efficacy of Metarhizium strains (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) against the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 116: 627-631.

McGuire, AV, TD Northfield. 2021. Identification and evaluation of endemic Metarhizium strains for biological control of banana rust thrips. Biological Control, 162: 104712.

McGuire, AV, TD Northfield. 2020. Tropical occurrence and agricultural importance of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4:6.

Peter Smytheman

Peter Smytheman in front of light trap

Peter Smytheman is conducting his MS on the natural enemies of leafhoppers that vector X-disease in cherry orchards. He is also working in Betsy Beers’ lab on spotted wing drosophila and brown marmorated stink bug. He has a background in commercial production of biological control agents and is an avid insect collector. Peter can be contacted at

Undergraduate Students

Edith Chamberlain

Edith Chamberlain smiling

Edith Chamberlain is an undergraduate student at Stanford University that works in the lab over the summer. Amongst other projects, she is working with Jacob Pitt and Monica Oropeza to better understand the distribution of X-disease within and between plants. Edie can be contacted at

Monica Oropeza

Monica Oropeza is an undergraduate student at Wenatchee Valley College that works in the lab over the summer. Amongst other projects, she is working with Jacob Pitt and Edith Chamberlain to better understand the distribution of X-disease within and between plants.

Under-undergraduate Students

Micaiah Northfield

Micaiah Northfield

Micaiah is the youngest member of the lab group. He has pioneered an innovative approach of demonstrating how niche partitioning works in communities of biological control agents through an analogy of construction equipment. He is shown here writing R code for a simulation model showing how efficiency improves with increases in the diversity of construction equipment when a variety of tasks must be completed. His work currently focuses on a combination of simulation and physical models, but he hopes to move on to real systems in the future.

Pome fruit Team

Six people standing and sitting around the WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center sign

The Pome Fruit Team, led by research assistant professor RT Curtiss with technician Toriani Kent, researches a range of issues impacting apple and pear production. In apple, Dr. Curtiss’ team is working to improve capture interpretation from lure-baited codling moth traps in pheromone mating disrupted orchards, test novel insecticide products, and monitor for insecticide resistance. In pear, the team is studying novel methods to reduce damage caused by pear psylla, conservation of natural enemies, and tactics to reduce insecticide applications. Dr. Curtiss can be contacted at

Hall of Fame (lab alumni)

Eli Bloom

Eli completed his PhD at WSU in 2019, and was advised by Dave Crowder. He came to JCU on an NSF fellowship to develop his theoretical skills and develop novel analyses of his pollinator data sets. His research focuses on the stability and diversity of pollinator communities in diversified farming systems. He is now a USDA postdoctoral fellow with Claire Casteel at Cornell University.

Resulting publications:

Milner, JRD, EH Bloom, DW Crowder, TD Northfield. 2020. Plant evolution can mediate negative effects from honey bees on wild pollinators. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 4407-4418.

Bloom, E, TD Northfield, DW Crowder. 2019. A novel application of the Price equation reveals that landscape diversity promotes the response of bees to regionally rare plant species. Ecology Letters, 22: 2103-2110.

David Clarke

David Clarke

David completed his Honour’s research at JCU in 2016 focused on the factors driving invertebrate diversity in seagrass meadows, and was co-advised by Paul York and Michael Rasheed from TropWATER. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Latrobe University in Melbourne, Australia.

Resulting publications:

Carke, DA, PH York, MA Rasheed, TD Northfield. 2017. Identifying areas in need of tropical research. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 32: 628.

Clarke, DA, PH York, MA Rasheed, TD Northfield. 2017. Does biodiversity-ecosystem function literature neglect tropical ecosystems? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 32: 320-323.

Ed Evans

Ed Evans

Ed is conducting his PhD at JCU in 2022 and his primary adviser is Dave Wilson. He is working to identify the factors driving venom traits in scorpions. Ed can be contacted at at

Resulting publications (see Google Scholar profile for up to date list):

Giribaldi, J., Y Haufe, ERJ Evans, DT Wilson, NL Daly, C Enjalbal, A Nicke, S Dutertre. 2021. Synthesis, structural and pharmacological characterizations of CIC, a novel alpha-conotoxin with an extended N-terminal tail. Marine Drugs, 19:141.

Evans, ERJ, L McIntyre, TD Northfield, NL Daly, DT Wilson. 2020. Small molecules in the venom of the scorpion Hormurus waigiensis. Biomedicines, 8: 259.

Giribaldi, J., Y Haufe, ERJ Evans, M Amar, A Durner, C Schmidt, A Faucherre, HMO Maati, C Enjalbal, J Molgo, D Servent, DT Wilson, NL Daly, A Nicke, S Dutertre. 2020. J Medicinal Chemistry, 63: 12686-12692.

Evans, ERJ, TD Northfield, NL Daly, DT Wilson. 2019. Venom costs and optimisation in scorpions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 196

Jade Ferguson

Jade Ferguson

Jade conducted her Honours research at JCU in 2015, and was primarily advised by Lori Lach. Through experiments and observational studies she documented the effects of a honey bee parasite, Nosema ceranae, on honey bee foraging preferences and the effects of pollen quality on the likelihood that honey bees can survive the parasite.

Resulting publication:

Ferguson, JA, TD Northfield, L Lach. 2018. Honey bee (Apis Mellifera) pollen foraging reflects benefits dependent on individual infection status. Microbial Ecology, 76: 482-491.

Laura Flandermeyer

Laura Flandermeyer holding a preying mantis

Laura completed her MS degree in the Department of Entomology at WSU in 2024. She combined theoretical models and fieldwork to inform management of X-disease vectors. Prior to starting at WSU, she received her BS degree in Biological Engineering at Purdue University, where she also did soil science research at USDA ARS, and was a Mid America CropLife Young Leader Scholar, working with Corteva and BASF. She is currently a lab manager working with Emily Bick at University of Wisconsin. Laura can be contacted at

Alex (Gangur) Blake

Alex completed his Honours research at JCU in 2014. Through his experiments on scorpsion, he identified for the first time that predator exposure can induce changes in venom composition, and used theoretical models to describe the effects of top-down and bottom-up effects on venom evolution in venomous mesopredators. Alex’s research was discussed in a number of media outlets. He completed his PhD with Dustin Marshall at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia and is now a biological data scientist at EcoData Technology.

Resulting publications:

Gangur, AN, JE Seymour, MJ Lidell, D Wilson, MJ Smout, TD Northfield. 2018. When is overkill optimal? Tritrophic interactions reveal new insights into venom evolution. Theoretical Ecology, 11: 141-149

Gangur, AN, MJ Smout, MJ Lidell, JE Seymour, D Wilson, TD Northfield. 2017. Changes in predator exposure, but not diet induce phenotypic plasticity in scorpion venom. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B, 284:  20171364.

Desiree Gowell

Desiree Gowell

Desiree completed her MSc special project at JCU in 2016 on the spatio-temporal distributions of pests and their natural enemies in cacao farms. She is now a data analyst at the GP One Consulting.

Aldo Hanel

Aldo completed his PhD at WSU in 2024, co-advised by Tobin Northfield with Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris at USDA in Wapato, and Louis Nottingham at WSU, finishing in Spring 2024. Aldo conducted his MS research at Federal University of Vicosa in Brazil on mite ecology and biological control. For his PhD he worked on the role of earwigs in tree fruit systems. Aldo is now a postdoctoral researcher working with Houston Wilson at UC Riverside. Aldo can be contacted at:

Resulting Publications (See Google Scholar profile for complete, most up-to-date publications):

Hanel, A, RJ Orpet, R Hilton, L Nottingham, TD Northfield, R Schmidt-Jeffris. 2023. Turning a pest into a natural enemy: Removing earwigs from stone fruit and releasing them in pome fruit enhances pest control. Insects, 14: 906.

Zilnik, G, PE Bergeron, A Chuang, L Diepenbrock, A Hanel, E Middleton, E Moretti, RA Schmidt-Jeffris. 2023. Meta-analysis of herbicide non-target effects on pest natural enemies. Insects, 14: 787.

Moretti, E, A Hanel, RA Schidt-Jeffris. Control of Brown mites in apple with miticides, 2020. 2023. Arthropod Management Tests, 48: tsad 109.

Hanel, A, E Moretti, RA Schidt-Jeffris. Control of Brown mites in apple with miticides, 2021. 2023. Arthropod Management Tests, 48: tsad 110.

Adrian Marshall

Adrian Marshall holding a snake

Adrian was a USDA postdoctoral research fellow evaluating environmental friendly controls (kaolin clay and reflective ground cover) on little cherry disease and the leafhoppers that vector the X disease phytoplasma, as well as tracking phytoplasma movement within X-disease vectors, and evaluating X-disease phytoplasma prevalence within field-collected vectors. He conducted his PhD at WSU with Betsy Beers on cultural control of apple pests. Adrian is now a postdoctoral researcher at USDA ARS working with Rodney Cooper.

Resulting Publications (See Google Scholar profile for most up-to-date list):

Harper, S, TD Northfield, LR Nottingham, T DuPont, AA Thompson, BV Sallato, MK Shires, AA Wright, KA Catron, AT Marshall, C Molnar, WR Cooper. 2023. Recovery plan for X-disease in stonefruit caused by Candidatus phytoplasma pruni. Plant Health Progress.

Marshall, AT, TD Melton, G Bishop, AE Clarke, CA Reyes-Corral, KA Catron, LB Nottingham, TD Northfield. 2024. Cultural control methods improve management of leafhopper vectors of X-disease. Crop Protection, 175: 106445.

Cooper, WR, AT Marshall, J Foutz, MR Wildung, TD Northfield, DW Crowder, H Leach, TC Leskey, SE Halbert, JB Snyder. 2022. Directed sequencing of plant specific DNA identifies the dietary history of four species of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 115: 275-284.

Cooper, WR, AT Marshall, J Foutz, MR Wildung, TD Northfield, DW Crowder, H Leach, TC Leskey, SE Halbert, JB Snyder. 2021. Directed sequencing of plant specific DNA identifies the dietary history of four sepcies of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America,

Alfonso Moreno

Alfonso Moreno

Alfonso conducted his Honours research at JCU in 2018 and was primarily advised by Sean Connolly. His research focused on community dynamics models to evaluate the processes driving patterns of species abundance generally found in ecological communities. Alfonso is now a PhD student with Sean Connolly at JCU.

Ryan Orr

Ryan Orr

Ryan completed his PhD research at JCU in 2022, primarily advised by Paul Nelson. He identified the soil characteristics and management strategies that alter prevalence of Panama Disease, a fungal pathogen that damages bananas worldwide. Ryan is now a Senior Horticulturalist at the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.

Publications (See Google Scholar profile for most up-to-date list):

Orr, R, TD Northfield, A Pattison, PN Nelson. 2023. Soil physiochemical characteristics and leaf nutrient contents on banana farms of North Queensland, Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 74: 483-493.

Orr, R, PN Nelson. 2021. Eucalyptus cloeziana mulch suppresses Fusarium wilt of banana. Crop Protection, 105694.

Orr, R., A Pattison, T Northfield, PN Nelson. 2021. Iron chelates have little to no effect on the severity of Fusarium wilt of bananas in soils of the wet tropics. J Plant Pathology, 103: 595-604.

Orr, R., RK Hocking, A Pattison, PN Nelson. 2020. Extraction metals from mildly acidic tropical soils: Interactions between chelating ligand, pH and soil type. Chemosphere, 248: 126060.

Oliver, DP, Y Li, R Orr, P Nelson, M Barnes, MJ McLaughlin, RS Kookana. 2019. The role of surface charge and pH changes in tropical soils on sorption behaviour of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs). Science of the Total Environment, 673: 197-206.

Orr, R. A Pattison, D East, N Warman, W O’Neill, E Czislowski, PN Nelson. 2019. Image-based quantification of Fusarium wilt severity in banana. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 14: 14.

A Bowen, R Orr, AV McBeath, A Pattison, PN Nelson. 2019. Suppresiveness or conduciveness to Fusarium wilt of bananas differs between key Australian soils. Soil Research, 57: 158-165.

Orr, R, and PN Nelson. 2018. Impacts of soil abiotic attributes of Fusarium wilt, focusing on bananas. Applied Soil Ecology, 262: 1-10.

Orr, R, A McBeath, AV Dieleman, MI Bird, PN Nelson. 2017. Estimating organic carbon content of soil in Papua New Guinea using infrared spectroscopy. Soil Research, 55: 735-742.

Jeremy Roberts

Jeremy with fish specimen

Jeremy completed his MS degree at WSU in 2022 combining theoretical and empirical approaches to better understand codling moth ecology and management. He conducted his bachelor’s degree at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in computer science. Jeremy is now conducting a PhD in New Zealand in Daniel Stouffer’s lab.

Olivia Rowley

Olivia Rowley

Olivia Rowley is conducting her PhD at JCU in 2022, and is primarily advised by Jamie Seymour. She used a combination of experiments and modeling approaches to describe the environmental drivers of deadly jellyfish in Australia. Olivia is now a biologist at the New Zealand Department of Conservation.


Rowley, OC, RL Courtney, TD Northfield, J Seymour. 2023. Physiological and morphological responses of ‘Irukandji’ polyps to thermal and osmotic conditions: Consequences for niche profiling. Hydrobiologia, 850: 1207-1216.

Rowley, OC, R Courtney, TD Northfield, J Seymour. 2022. Environmental drivers of the occurrence and abundance of Irukandji jellyfish (Carukia barnesi). PLoS One 17: e0272359.

Rowley, OC, RL Courtney, SA Browning, JE Seymour. 2020. Bay watch: Using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) to survey the box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri. PLoS One, 15: e0241410.

Deppe, L, O Rowley, LK Rowe, N Shi, N McArthur, O Gooday, SJ Goldstein. 2017. Investigation of fallout events in Hutton’s shearwaters (Puffinis huttoni) associated -with artificial lighting. Notoris, 64: 181-191.

Hemchandranauth Sambhu

Hemchandranauth Sambhu

Hemchandranauth completed his PhD research at JCU in 2018, which focused on a combination on ecological and sociological research in Guyana and Australia. He compared patterns of butterfly abundance and community composition across different landscapes, wrote a checklist for butterflies of Australia, and participated or led a number of outreach events for the general public and schools.

Resulting publications:

Sambhu, H, A Nankishore, S Turton, TD Northfield. 2018. Trade-offs for butterfly alpha and beta diversity in human-modified landscapes and tropical rainforests. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 12918-12928.

Sambhu, H, A Nankishore. 2018. Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of Guyana: A compilation of records. Zootaxa, 4371: 1-187.

Sambhu, H, TD Northfield, A Nankishore, A Ansari, S Turton. 2017. Tropical rainforest and human-modified landscapes support unique butterfly communities that differ in abundance and diversity. Environmental Entomology, 46: 1225-1234.

Jessa Thurman

Jessa Thurman

Jessa joined the lab in JCU first on an international Watson Fellowship, and then as a Fulbright Fellow. She worked on biological control of pests in cacao by green weaver ants and Anastatus sp. wasps. She conducted her PhD with Michael Furlong at University of Queensland, and is now a CERC postdoctoral fellow at CSIRO.

Resulting publications:

Thurman, JH, TD Northfield, WE Snyder. 2019. Weaver ants provide ecosystem services to tropical tree crops. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:21.

Thurman, JH, DW Crowder, TD Northfield. 2017. Biological control agents in the Anthropocene: Current risks and future options. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 23: 59-64.

Nicolás Younes Cárdenas

Nicolás is completed his PhD at JCU in 2020 and was primarily advised by Karen Joyce. He combined novel statistical approaches and Landsat data to describe changes in mangrove phenology over the last 30 years. He is now a research fellow at Australian National University. A more up to date publication list is available at his Google Scholar profile.

Resulting publications:

Younes, N, TD Northfield, KE Joyce, S Maier, NC Duke, L Lymburner. 2020. A novel approach to modelling mangrove phenology from satellite images: A case study from Northern Australia. Remote Sensing, 12: 4008.

Younes, N, KE Joyce, TD Northfield, SW Maier. 2019. The effects of water depth on estimating fractional vegetation cover in mangrove forests. International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 83: 101924.

Younes Cárdenas, N, KE Joyce, SW Maier. 2017. Monitoring mangrove forests: Are we taking full advantage of technology? International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 63. pp. 1-14