BMSB Finds in Washington (Map)

As of December 2022, brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) has been recorded in 30 Washington state counties; with most along the I-5 corridor. A record 9,500 BMSB were reported in 2022. If you see a BMSB, please send a photo, general location (inside or outside of house or car, backyard, park, etc.)  and the address it was found to:

Not sure if it’s BMSB?  Check out our page on Identifying BMSB

Major tree fruit crops in Washington are indicated by the small dots: apple (red), pear (green), and sweet cherry (pink).

map of washington with the location of bmsb finds, color coded by habitat: agriculture, forest, house exterior and interior, automobile, backyard, urban host plant.
map of washington with bmsb finds in 2021 indicated by color coded dots; larger dots equals more BMSB.
BMSB finds in Washington State in 2022
map of washington with bmsb finds in 2021 indicated by color coded dots; larger dots equals more BMSB.
BMSB Finds in Washington State in 2021
map of washington with bmsb finds in 2021 indicated by color coded dots; larger dots equals more BMSB.
BMSB Finds in Washington State in 2020